
Full-Time Professor

Subject: General Practice


2019  Professor in General Practice, University of Tours
2016  Associate Academic Professor in General Practice, University of Tours
2015  PhD, ED 393, Inserm U1153, University of Paris Diderot, Paris 7
2011  Medical Pedagogy University Degree, Universities of Poitiers/Limoges/Tours
2010  Masters degree, Methods of Therapeutic Evaluation, University of Paris Diderot, Paris 7
2009   Medical doctor degree in general practice, University of Tours

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General practice
Pragmatic trials


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How pragmatic are the randomised trials used in recommendations for control of glycosylated haemoglobin levels in type 2 diabetic patients in general practice: an application of the PRECIS II tool.

Ettori-Ajasse I, Tatin E, Forbes G, Eldridge S, Dibao-Dina C.

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Patients’ adherence to optimal therapeutic, lifestyle and risk factors recommendations after myocardial infarction: Six years follow-up in primary care.

Dibao-Dina C, Angoulvant D, Lebeau JP, Peurois JE, Abdallah El Hirtsi K, Lehr-Drylewicz AM.

PLoS One.
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Heterogeneous perception of the ethical legitimacy of unbalanced randomization by institutional review board members: a clinical vignette-based survey.

Dibao-Dina C, Caille A, Giraudeau B.

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ESCAPE Ancillary Blood Pressure Measurement Study 2-Changes in end-digit preference after two years of a cluster randomized trial.

Dibao-Dina C, Lebeau JP, Huas D, Boutitie F, Pouchain D.

Blood Press Monit
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Unbalanced rather than balanced randomization controlled trials are more often positive in favor of the new treatment: an exposed and non-exposed study.

Dibao-Dina C, Caille A, Giraudeau B.

J Clin Epidemiol.
2015 doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2015.03.007.
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UFR Medecine of Tours - General practice department

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