

Discipline : Addictologie et pharmacodépendance


Depuis 2008  - Attachée de recherche clinique dans le service d'addictologie et dans le service de pharmacologie clinique (pharmacodépendance) du CHU de Nantes.

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troubles du comportement alimentaire


icon publication

Evaluation of cognitive impairment in a French sample of patients with restrictive anorexia nervosa: two distinct profiles emerged with differences in impaired functions and psychopathological symptoms. 

Cholet J, Rousselet M, Donnio Y, Burlot M, Pere M, Lambert S, Rocher B, Chirio-espitalier M, Eyzop E, Grall-Bronnec M.

Eat and Weight Disorders. 
2020 Aug 7. PMID: 32767255
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Food Addiction among Female Patients Seeking Treatment for an Eating Disorder: Prevalence and Associated Factors.

Fauconnier M, Rousselet M, Brunault P, Thiabaud E, Lambert S, Rocher B, Challet-Bouju G, Grall-Bronnec M.

2020 Jun 26;12(6):1897. PMID: 32604734 
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Consumption of psychoactive substances in prison: Between initiation and improvement, what trajectories occur after incarceration? COSMOS study data.  

Rousselet M, Guerlais M, Caillet P, Le Geay B, Mauillon D, Serre P, Chameau PY, Bleher Y, Mounsande S, Jolliet P, Victorri-Vigneau C.

PLoS One.
2019 Dec 4;14(12):e0225189. eCollection 2019. PMID: 31800580 
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FAN-Network. Are seniors dependent on benzodiazepines ? A national clinical survey of substance use disorder. 

Victorri-Vigneau C, Laforgue EJ, Grall-bronnec M, Guillou-Landreat M, Rousselet M, Guerlais M, Feuillet F, Jolliet P.

Clin Pharmacol Ther. 
2020 Aug 29. PMID: 32860424
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The French addictovigilance network clinical assessment: Z-drugs, true false twins. 

Rousselet M, Feuillet F, Gerardin M, Jolliet P, Hardouin JB, Victorri-Vigneau C.

Expert Opinion on Drug Safety. 
2017 Sep;16(9):1063-1069. PMID:  28649864  
Illustration publications


DIU TCA (université de Nantes): Les TCA de la clinique à la recherche clinique


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